Property description
LOCATION The plot is situated very close to the town centre in an established and desirable residential part of the town.
THE PLOT The plot will enjoy direct vehicular access onto Cirencester Road which is an adopted highway and will enjoy a very private position with high hedge to the front and quarry face to the rear.
VIEWINGS The general location of the plot may be viewed during normal daylight hours, but we would ask that you observe
the privacy of the neighbouring property, as this currently forms part of its garden.
1. The development of the site will be restricted to a single
2. The main structure of the property will be completed
within 12 months of completion.
3. No business will be conducted from the property
TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING Cotswold District Council have granted detailed planning permission for the erection of a dwelling under Application No. 16/00429/FUL dated the 3rd June 2016.
A copy of this consent notice together with the approved plans is available from the Agent's Land Department Tel. No. 01285 646770 or upon Cotswold District Council's website. There is no Section 106 Agreement.
The consented dwelling will be built in traditional natural materials on three floors.
METHOD OF SALE The property is offered for sale by private treaty with a price guide of £200,000 subject to contract.