Property description
Entrance door to Flat
Entrance Hallway
Entrance Hallway: Radiator, meter cupboard, stairs to hallway, uPVC double glazed window to side, hatch to loft space, large storage cupboard with shelving and radiator.
Lounge - 11' x 12' 7'' (3.35m x 3.84m)
uPVC double glazed window, radiator.
Kitchen - 8' 8'' x 8' 5'' (2.64m x 2.57m)
Modern range of white base and wall units with grey working surfaces incorporating built in oven, gas hob, extractor hood, stainless steel single drainer sink unit with mixer tap, plumbing for automatic washing machine, radiator, wall mounted gas combination boi.ler supplying central heating and domestic hot water circulation.
Bedroom - 11' 1'' x 10' 5'' (3.38m x 3.18m)
uPVC double glazed window, radiator, range of built in wardrobes.
Comprising white suite of panelled bath, shower, low level w.c., pedestal wash hand basin, radiator, part tiled walls, uPVC double glazed frosted window.
To the rear
Small enclosed patio garden with gated access to a hardstanding parking space.