Property description
Shop premises known as 2/3 Grenville Street bideford EX39 2EA The shop has a fine and elegant frontage of 12.9 m with exceptional display window facilities. The total floor area is 1647 ft.² or 153 m². There is also a small office and WC cloakroom Location Bideford Is the Administrative Centre of the Torridge area and has a static population in the order of 13,000 it is close to Barnstaple some 9 miles away to the east with a Population of 25,000 The Situation The shop is situated in Grenville Street which is a street that links the High Street to the historic Pannier market and market place causing a reasonable foot flow of people The Rates We have further delay been advised that the rateable value is £8000 with the uniform business rate being 48.2p in the pound |
Making rates payable approximately £3800 but occupiers may qualify for relief which have been available in previous years they should make their own enquiries to Torridge District Council |
VAT - There is no VAT payable on the current rent
The premises are available by way of a new lease which can be long or short in portions to suit new occupiers
Legal costs
Each party is responsible for their own legal costs