
Plot for sale

Stevington Bedford Stevington, MK43 7QD

MK43 7QD, Park Road, Stevington, Bedford, MK43, Bedford

Sale Price: £400,000

Listed 15 days ago and may not be available Listed on 2/4/2017

 118 Bromham Road, Bedford, MK40 2QN

Stevington Bedford Stevington, MK43 7QD

Property Summary:

-- Bed(s)
-- Bath(s)
interested in this property.

Property description

Within a large plot in the heart of this picturesque Bedfordshire village, an attractive Victorian public house which includes residential accommodation on the first floor, gardens, car park and approved consent for a pair of three bedroom cottages.


Prominently located in the centre of the village, this public house is currently empty and preliminary works have been undertaken in preparation of re-furbishing the pub. On the first floor is a large two bedroom flat and consent is due to be granted to remove an outbuilding at the rear and replace it with a stone building providing two letting rooms.

There is a long road frontage to Park Road with an entrance to a large car park with a requirement to provide 12 car parking spaces and between the car park and the pub is a sizeable garden. At the rear of the pub there is road frontage to Church Road where an entrance will be created to the building plot.

Consent is due to be formally approved by 6th February to erect a pair of three bedroom cottage style houses each with off road parking (one at the front and the other having parking at the rear) and good size gardens to the rear.

Section 106 Agreement:
A section 106 agreement requires that the pub is to be in use before the new dwellings can be built.

Planning Consent:
Planning reference number: 16/00751/FUL Decision Date: Pending

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL):
A CIL will be applied to the two new build houses, payable prior to occupation.

Open House Viewings:
Thu 9 Feb: 14:45 - 15:15
Sat 11 Feb: 12:00 - 12:30
Wed 15 Feb: 14:45 - 15:15

Interested parties are requested to make their own enquiries to the relevant authorities as to the availability of services.

Local Authority:
Bedford Borough Council - 01234 267422

HCB Park Woodfine, 1 Lurke St, Bedford MK40 3TN, Ref: Michael Wills - michaelwills@hcbgroup.com, Tel: 01234 321904

Auction Date: 23-02-17
Lot No: 10
