Property description
DELIGHTFUL SEMI DETACHED STONE COTTAGE SET IN AN IDYLLIC SEMI-RURAL LOCATION WITH STUNNING COUNTRYSIDE VIEWS ACROSS ASHWORTH VALLEY ! Situated in a tiny hamlet of five properties in the picturesque Ashworth countryside, approx 1/3rd of a mile off Edenfield Road, first left after Nutters Restaurant and approx one mile from the centre of Norden Village. WELL PRESENTED THROUGHOUT and benefitting from a wealth of original features. Providing good sized family living accommodation which comprises of a spacious lounge, breakfast kitchen, utility room, three good sized bedrooms and a family bathroom. Outside the property has a pleasant courtyard to the rear with wonderful surrounding views Ashworth Valley. There is also an off road parking space with further off road parking nearby. Multi-fuel central heating system and double glazing. Early viewing is absolutely essential!
Kitchen Diner
17' x 23'11With a range of wall and base units, dining space, range cooker extractor hood over,space for fridge freezer, exposed stone walls, tiled flooring, window to the front, feature beams, Window and door to the front. Splash tiling.
Utility Room
5'4 x 6'6Plumbed for washing machine and drier, wall units, exposed stone walls.
Inner Hall
Leads to lounge, storage under stairs.
17' x 23'11With windows to the front and side, door to the front, exposed stone walls, feature beams, feature mutation fuel burner. Stairs leading to the first floor.
With access to he roof void, doors leading to the bedrooms and bathroom. Coved ceiling.
Bedroom One
17' x 14'8Double room with feature beams and vaulted ceiling, window to the front, Velux window. Fitted storage wardrobes.
Bedroom Two
12'1 x 11'7Double room with a window to the front and side, coved ceiling, storage cupboard.
Bedroom Three
8'8 x 8'3Single room with a window to the front, coved ceiling.
5'6 x 14'1With a three piece suite comprising of a wash hand basin, wc and shower in cubicle, window to the front. Ceiling spotlights, coved ceiling.
TO VIEW CONTACTCowell - Norford, 106 Yorkshire Street, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL16 1JY Tel: 01706 860 444
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Property Features :
- stone character cottage
- three bedrooms
- Idyllic location
- original features
- countryside views