
Land for sale

Chester Road Whitchurch, SY13 4QQ

SY13 4QQ, Brooklands, Chester Road, Whitchurch, SY13, Whitchurch

Sale Price: £124,995

Listed 15 days ago and may not be available Listed on 10/21/2015

 23 Green End, Whitchurch
*When you call don't forget to mention Houser.co.uk

Chester Road Whitchurch, SY13 4QQ

Property Summary:

-- Bed(s)
-- Bath(s)
interested in this property.

Property description

Do you have 'Grand Designs' to build your dream home? If so, this could be the ideal opportunity. It's a generous plot, in a prime location and backs onto open countryside. Not only that, it is conveniently located for access into the town, whilst those travelling by car will appreciate swift access onto the A41 bypass for travel throughout a wide geographical area.Outline planning permission (Application no. 14/02480/OUT) was granted on 30 June 2015 for the erection of one dwelling (to include access), based on an indicative layout plan illustrating a dwelling being located within a central position on the plot, along the roadside frontage with an integral garage and turning area. The site is located adjacent to the main B5395 in the small group of dwellings known as 'Brooklands' on the edge of Whitchurch. The main road runs along the north east boundary of the site and has a pavement access into Whitchurch. Shropshire Council state that application for the approval of the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping (otherwise known as \"the reserved matters\") shall be made to the local planning authority before the expiration of 3 years from the date of the permission.According to the original planning application, the area of the site is approximately 1,160 sq. metres (approximately 0.29 acres), which for a single building plot is a jolly good size! This alone, is one good reason why this valuable plot should not be overlooked. For many, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to 'do your own thing' - just imagine sitting in a caravan on site during the cold, wet winter months whilst 'project managing' the build (although on second thoughts, maybe not!) and ensuring that this dream actually comes true.

Planning Permission
The description of development reads as follows:Location: Land At Chester Road, Whitchurch, ShropshireProposed Development: Outline application for the erection of one dwelling (to include access)Application No. 14/02480/OUTShropshire Council hereby GRANT OUTLINE PERMISSION subject to the conditions listed below....The decision date was 30/06/15

Local Authority
Shropshire County Council, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND

Section 106 Agreement
On-site affordable housing and financial contributions are to be secured through the Section 106 Agreement. It will be for the buyer to fulfil the obligations therein. The Section 106 financialcontributions are payable upon commencement of the development (as defined in the Agreement).

Site Area
Approximately 1,160 sq. metres (1,387 sq. yards) or 0.28657 acres.

Boundaries, Roads And Fences
The purchaser(s) shall be deemed to have fullknowledge of the boundaries and neither the vendornor the Agent will be responsible for defining theownership of the boundary fences and hedges.

Wayleaves & Easements
The site will be sold subject to and with the benefit of all wayleaves, easements and rights of way as may existwhether mentioned in these details or not.

For the avoidance of doubt, no mains services are currently connected. We understand that mains water and electricity are available but this is to be verified by the purchaser in their enquiries and searches. There is no available connection to mains drainage and foul sewerage will be disposed of by septic tank.

We understand the tenure of the land to be freehold but this will be verified by the purchasers solicitor.

The Plans
The plans on the front and back pages are purely indicative of a site layout and are for identification purposes only. They do not form part of a contract and are no longer to scale.

Claw Back
The land is offered for sale, subject to overage, which will be in existence for a 20 year period. Overage shall be 20% of the uplift in value of the difference between the land being used for one residential dwelling (in accordance with the plans and conditions attached to the existing outline planning permission) and any other planning consent which is obtained which increases the value of the land.

Property Features :

  • Building Plot For Single Dwelling
  • Large Plot
  • Backs Onto Fields
  • Prime Location On Outskirts Of Town
  • Swift Access To A41 Bypass