Property description
THE SITE The OS extract within these sales particulars shows the extent of the site being offered for sale in red for
identification purposes.
The overall land area for the future residential development scheme is 0.25 hectares (0.625 acres).
It enjoys direct vehicular access onto Stockmoor Drive a publically adopted highway. The land has been cleared and is now fenced for security purposes.
TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING Detailed planning consent has been granted by Sedgemoor District Council under application number
37/11/00071 dated the 27th November 2012 for the erection of 14 dwellings and the formation of car parking
and access.
A copy of this consent notice is available from Sedgemoor District Council's website or from the Agents.
Copies of the approved plans are also available from the Agents.
There is a S106 Agreement stipulating payments as follows:
Flood Defences £22,750.00
Children's Play £11,928.00
No contribution for affordable housing is required if the sales revenue does not exceed £2,000.000.
The housing mix will consist of:
7 x 2 bedroom terraced houses
7 x 3 bedroom terraced houses.
All have associated gardens and parking
Property Info: