Property description
Entrance via entrance door to
ENTRANCE HALL Obscure window to the front aspect. Stairs to first floor accommodation. Under stairs storage cupboard. Radiator.
GROUND FLOOR CLOAKROOM Obscure window to the front aspect. Two piece suite comprising of wash hand basin with tiled splash back and low level WC. Radiator.
KITCHEN/BREAKFAST ROOM 10' 8" x 10' 3" (3.25m x 3.12m) Window to the front aspect. Half glazed door to the side. Range of fitted units to eye and base level. Roll edge work surfaces. One and quarter stainless steel sink drainer unit. Cooker, to remain. Extractor fan. Plumbing and space for washing machine. Space for fridge/freezer. Space for table and chairs. Wall mounted boiler. Radiator.
DINING ROOM 13' x 9' (3.96m x 2.74m) Windows to the rear aspect. Glazed door to the rear. Serving hatch to the kitchen. Radiator.
LOUNGE 19' 4" x 12' (5.89m x 3.66m) Windows to the front and rear aspects. TV point. Two radiators.
LANDING Window to the rear aspect. Access to the loft.
BEDROOM ONE 12' 2" x 10' 3" (3.71m x 3.12m) Window to the front aspect. Radiator.
EN SUITE Obscure window to the front aspect. Three piece suite comprising pedestal wash hand basin, shower cubicle with adjustable shower over and low level WC. Shaver point. Radiator.
BEDROOM TWO 12' 4" x 9' (3.76m x 2.74m) Window to the front aspect. Wardrobes with mirror doors. Radiator.
BEDROOM THREE 12' 3" x 7' 1" (3.73m x 2.16m) Window to the rear aspect. Radiator.
BEDROOM FOUR 11' 3" x 7' (3.43m x 2.13m) Window to the rear aspect. Wardrobes. Radiator.
BATHROOM Obscure window to the front aspect. Three piece suite comprising of pedestal wash hand basin, twin gripped panelled bath with shower screen and shower attachment and low level WC. Airing cupboard. Radiator.
EXTERIOR The REAR GARDEN measures 56' (17.07m) and commences with shaped patio leading to laid to lawn area. Variety of plants, trees and shrubs. Steps down to lower garden. Gate providing access to the front.
The FRONT has lawn area with path to front door. Own driveway leading to GARAGE, up and over door, personal door to the rear garden.