Property description
Residential development site with outline planning permission granted for 4 units including; 2 detached dwellings (1500 sq ft each) & a pair of semi's (1400 sq ft each). Planning Application reference: W/14/01621/OU
The owners of Elm Cottage after careful consideration and investigation have obtained outline planning permission for the erection of four units in their garden off Copcut lane. Retaining their own property and a small garden; the outline planning permission is currently for 2 road facing semi detached dwellings and two detached properties to the rear.
Copcut Lane is to the South of Droitwich Spa off the A38 between Droitwich Spa & Worcester.
Wychavon District Council agreed Outline Planning Permission (Application Number W/14/01621/OU) on the 11th August 2014 for the proposed residential development of up to 4 dwellings. Full details of the Planning Notice can be found on the Nicol & Co Website under the EPC link or via the same link on Rightmove & Zoopla. Details will also be found on the Wychavon District Council website also:
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Property Features :
- Building Plot
- Outline Planning Permission
- Four Units
- 2 x Semi´s (1400 sq ft each)
- 2 x Detached (1500 sq ft)