Property description
Superb five bedroom family home built by Antler Homes to an exacting standard. Features worthy of note include the stunning kitchen/dining room with integrated appliances and French doors opening onto the rear garden, double aspect sitting room, two bedrooms with ensuite shower rooms and family bathroom. The property is tucked away in a cul-de-sac location offering easy access to Woking mainline train station. The property is located half way between Woking & West Byfleet village centres, therefore it enjoys excellent access to comprehensive shopping and the choice of both mainline railway stations. There are some excellent schools locally for instance Pyrford Primary, Hoebridge, The Marist & St Dunstans. The motorway network of M25, A3 and M3 is easily accessible. EPC Rating; C
Entrance Hall Stairs to first floor landing, understairs storage cupboard, radiator, tiled floor, burglar alarm panel, wall mounted thermostat.
Cloakroom Tiled floor, partially tiled walls, radiator, low level wc, pedestal wash hand basin, inset mirror, spotlights.
Sitting Room Feature fireplace, double glazed windows, two radiators, French doors opening onto the rear garden.
FAMILY ROOM Double glazed square bay window, radiator.
Kitchen/ Dining Room Comprehensive range of base and eye level cupboards and drawers with concealed lighting, granite work surfaces with tiled splash back, inset sink unit, built in appliances to include dishwasher, fridge, freezer, four ring gas hob with extractor canopy
above and double oven, double glazed window, radiator, tiled floor, French doors opening onto the rear garden, spotlights, space for family table and chairs, door to:-
Utility Room Tiled floor, radiator, space and plumbing for washing machine and tumble dryer, work surfaces with inset single drainer stainless steel sink unit, door to rear garden.
Landing Stairs to second floor, radiator, wall mounted thermostat, French doors opening onto the balcony.
Master Bedroom Double glazed window, radiator, built in wardrobes, TV socket, door to:-
Ensuite Bathroom Shower cubicle, wash hand basin and low level wc with built in cistern, partially tiled walls, tiled floor, spotlights, inset
BEDROOM THREE Double glazed window, TV socket, radiator.
Bedroom Four Double glazed window, radiator, TV socket, telephone point.
Bedroom Five Double glazed window, TV socket, radiator.
FAMILY BATHROOM Enclosed bath with mixer tap and shower attachment, wash hand basin and low level wc with built in cistern, obscured double glazed window, partially tiled walls, tiled floor, ladder style heated towel rail, spotlights.
SECOND FLOOR LANDING Access to eaves storage space, door to:-
GUEST BEDROOM Double glazed window, radiator, built in wardrobes, TV socket, door to:-
ENSUITE SHOWER ROOM Shower cubicle, wash hand basin and low level wc with built in cistern, partially tiled walls, tiled floor, spotlights, ladder style heated towel rail, built in airing cupboard housing combi boiler and ample shelved storage space.
THE FRONT Shared driveway providing ample parking facilities leading to garage, gated side access to rear garden, footpath to coved entrance porch.
Double Garage Up and Over doors.
Rear Garden Mainly laid to lawn with adjoining borders of mature shrubs and trees enclosed with panelled fencing, one large patio area.
Postcode GU22 8LD