Property description
STORM PORCH: Tiled, part glazed door to
ENTRANCE HALL: Carpeted staircase to first floor, feature arch with corbels, understair storage cupboard, fitted carpet, radiator, door to
LOUNGE: 16'5" max into bay x 15'7" (5.00m max into bay x 4.76m) uPVC double glazed bay front window, gas fire in Yorkstone fireplace, stone hearth and mantel, tv plinth, fitted carpet, radiator.
DINING ROOM: 11'3" x 10'4" (3.42m x 3.15m) Fireplace with timber surround, cast iron effect insert, tiled hearth, electric fire, fitted carpet, radiator, hatch and door to
KITCHEN/BREAKFAST ROOM Breakfast area: 13'6" x 10'11" (4.11m x 3.34m) 2 built in double cupboards, fitted carpet, radiator.
Kitchen area: 15'10" max x 10'11" (4.82m x 3.34m) Fitted in a range of matching wall and floor units, wood block effect work surfaces, inset 1 1/2 bowl sink, drainer, mixer tap, drinking water tap, water softener, tiled splashbacks, inset ceramic hob, with extractor over, eye-level oven, space for microwave, integral dishwasher, integral fridge and freezer, double glazed side window, door to walk in pantry with fitted shelving, double glazed door to side, tiled floor, door to
UTILITY ROOM: 10'7" x 6'11" (3.23m x 2.10m) Double glazed side and rear widows, stainless steel sink unit, space and plumbing for washing machine, vent for tumble dryer, tiled floor, radiator, door to
LOBBY: Door to
W.C..: Double glazed rear window, close coupled w.c., tiled floor.
Carpeted staircase with quarter turn to
FIRST FLOOR LANDING: Fitted carpet, radiator.
BEDROOM 1: 16'2" max into bay x 12'6" max into built in wardrobes (4.93m max into bay x 3.81m max into built in uPVC double glazed bay front window, a range of built in furniture to include 3 double wardrobes, dressing table, bedside tables, over-bed wall cupboards, fitted carpet, radiator.
BEDROOM 2: 13'6" x 10'7" max into built in wardrobes) 4.12m x 3.23m max into built in wardrobes) uPVC double glazed rear window, a range of fitted furniture to include 2 single wardrobes, drawer units, wall cupboards, sink, fitted carpet.
BEDROOM 3: 9'4" x 9'2" (2.84m x 2.78m) uPVC double glazed front window, a range of built in furniture to include single wardrobes, dressing table and wall cupboards, fitted carpet, radiator.
Carpeted staircase with half turn to SECOND FLOOR LANDING: Boiler supplying central heating and hot water, access to eaves storage.
BEDROOM 4: 16'5" x 11'7" (5.01m x 3.54m) 2 velux windows, fitted carpet, radiator.
OUTSIDE: Front garden, brick wall, laid to lawn, path.
DOUBLE GARAGE: (accessed from rear) Electric up and over door, power and light, conservatory to rear of garage.
Rear garden, mainly laid to lawn, patio, gate to additional space for caravan/boat etc.