Property description
LOCATION From Doncaster proceed out along Silver Street and take a left hand turn onto Church Way, continue to the North Bridge roundabout and take the second exit onto Sprotbrough Road, after approximately one and a quarter miles, over the bridge take a left hand turning onto Ingleborough Drive, the property is on the left hand side marked by our for sale board.
ENTRANCE HALL UPVC door to the front of the property leads into the entrance hall with stairs rising to the first floor, laminate flooring.
LOUNGE Double glazed window to the front elevation, coving to the ceiling, laminate flooring, tv point, storage cupboard with hanging space.
DINING ROOM Double glazed window to the side elevation, door to the downstairs cloakroom, coving to the ceiling, and laminate flooring.
WC/CLOAKROOM Fitted with pedestal wash hand basin, low level WC, window to the side elevation.
KITCHEN Fitted with a matching range of quality wall and base units, contrasting work surfaces, inset sink and drainer unit, tiling to splashback level, space for a cooker with overhead extractor fan, plumbing for automatic washing machine, tiled flooring, tiling to splashback level, UPVC door gives access to the rear garden, and double glazed windows to the side and rear elevation.
MASTER BEDROOM Double glazed bay window to the front elevation, fitted wardrobes, coving to the ceiling.
BEDROOM TWO Double glazed window to the rear elevation, tv point, fitted wardrobes.
BEDROOM THREE Double glazed window to the front elevation
BEDROOM FOUR Double glazed window to the front elevation, loft hatch.
BATHROOM With double glazed obscure window to the side elevation, fitted with a white three piece suite comprising panelled bath with overhead shower unit, pedestal wash hand basin, low level WC, cupboard housing the central heating boiler and tiled walls.
OUTSIDE To the front of the property is off road parking for several vehicles, gated access to the side of the property leads to the rear garden which is paved providing low maintenance with hedging to the boundary, brick built storage building and shed. Private rear aspect.