Property description
* Entrance Porch
UPVC front door.
* Entrance Hallway
* Ground Floor WC
Low level w.c., wash basin, double glazed window to side elevation, under-stairs storage cupboard.
* Living Room: 4.72m x 3.66m (15' 6" x 12')
Wall mounted gas fire, t.v. aerial point, radiator, double glazed window to front elevation, open to the dining room.
* Dining Room: 3.61m x 2.72m (11' 10" x 8' 11")
Double glazed window to the rear elevation, radiator.
* Breakfast Kitchen: 4.04m x 3.25m (13' 3" x 10' 8")
Fitted kitchen with base and eye level units, double stainless steel sink unit, tiled splashbacks, gas cooker point, plumbing for washing machine and dishwasher, fitted breakfast bar, radiator, gas central heating boiler, double glazed window to rear elevation, double glazed door to side elevation.
* First Floor
* Landing
Spacious landing with access to loft, double glazed window to side elevation
* Bedroom One: 4.27m x 3.05m (14' x 10')
Radiator, double glazed window to rear elevation, t.v. aerial point.
* Bedroom Two: 3.58m x 3.23m (11' 9" x 10' 7")
Fitted wardrobes and dressing table with matching bedside cabinets and head board, double glazed window to front elevation, radiator.
* Bedroom Three
13'6" x 12'2" reducing to 7'0" (4.12m x 3.72m reducing to
2.14m) including storage
Built in storage into eaves with sliding doors (reduced head height within), radiator, double glazed window to front and side elevations.
* Bedroom Four: 3.33m x 2.44m (10' 11" x 8')
Double glazed window to rear elevation, radiator.
* Shower Room
Large corner shower enclosure with 'Grohe' electric shower with digital display, pedestal hand wash basin, airing cupboard, radiator, tiled walls, double glazed window to rear elevation.
* Separate w.c.
Low level w.c., double glazed window to side elevation.
* Outside
To the front of the property is a long driveway leading to an attached garage and carport. There is a deep front lawn with bedding areas. To the rear is a large private garden, approximately 60ft long, which is mainly laid to lawn and has a large patio. There is attractive stone walling and steps leading up to the lawn. There is a side access leading to the front of the property, a courtesy door to the garage and carport to the side.
* Garage: 5.03m x 2.57m (16' 6" x 8' 5")
Up and over door to front, courtesy door to side, light and power.
The tenure for this property is yet to be confirmed.
Strictly by appointment through the sole agents on 01625 430044.
The agent has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fittings or services and so cannot verify that they are in working order or fit for their purpose. Neither had the agent checked the freehold/leasehold status of the property. The agent would also point out that the majority of photographs used on their sales particulars and window displays are taken with non-standard lens. Whittaker & Biggs for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property, whose agents they are, do give notice that the particulars are produced in good faith, are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of a contract and no person in the employment of Whittaker & Biggs has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.
Property Features :
- A spacious detached family home situated on a good size plot
- Two reception rooms plus breakfast kitchen and ground floor w.c.
- Four good size bedrooms, modern family shower room and separate w.c.
- Garage, carport long driveway
- Great sized garden to the rear with southerly aspect
- Potential to Extend
- Alarm System