Property description
Quietly situated within an attractive sought after small development of traditionally-styled cottage homes close to the centre of Watlington, a charming well presented property with kitchen, cloakroom, sitting room, three bedrooms, en suite shower and family bathroom. Garden, garage and parking.
ACCOMMODATION - GROUND FLOOR:Front door with double glazed obscured glass panel into:
ENTRANCE HALL:Stairs rising to the first floor with large storage cupboard below, doors to the kitchen, sitting room, cloakroom and cloaks cupboard housing the combi boiler, ceiling light points, power points, telephone point and radiator.
KITCHEN: - 3.3m (10'10") x 2.5m (8'2")A light and airy double aspect kitchen with double glazed windows to the front and side. Fitted with a range of cream fronted wall and base units housing cupboards and drawers, roll edge work surfaces, inset 1½ bowl composite sink/drainer unit with mixer tap, inset 4 ring gas hob with extractor over, built in double oven, integrated fridge/freezer, space and plumbing for washing machine and dishwasher, ceramic tiled splash backs, stone effect tiled floor, recessed ceiling down lights, under unit lighting, power points and radiator.
CLOAKROOM: - 2.5m (8'2") x 1.2m (3'11")Fitted with a white suite of concealed cistern WC and pedestal hand wash basin, recessed ceiling down lights and radiator.
SITTING ROOM: - 4.5m (14'9") x 3.4m (11'2")Double glazed French doors and window to the rear garden, ceiling light points, power points, television aerial point, telephone points and radiator.
FIRST FLOOR - LANDING:Doors to all three bedrooms, airing cupboard with slatted shelving and radiator, hatch with ladder to loft space, ceiling light point.
BEDROOM ONE: - 4.5m (14'9") x 3m (9'10")Double room with two double glazed windows to the rear, doors to double wardrobe and en suite, ceiling light point, power points, television aerial point, telephone point and radiator.
EN SUITE: - 3.6m (11'10") x 2.6m (8'6")A very spacious room fitted with a white suite of walk in shower cubicle, pedestal hand wash basin and close coupled WC, wall mounted towel radiator, part tiled walls, shaver point and recessed ceiling down lights.
BEDROOM TWO: - 3.3m (10'10") x 2.4m (7'10")Double room with double glazed window to the front, ceiling light point, power points, television aerial point, telephone point, radiator and Jack and Jill door to the family bathroom.
BEDROOM THREE: - 2.1m (6'11") x 2.1m (6'11")Single room with double glazed window to the front, ceiling light point, power points, television aerial point and radiator.
BATHROOM:Fitted with a white suite of panel sided bath with shower mixer tap over, pedestal hand wash basin and concealed cistern WC, wall mounted heated towel radiator, part tiled walls, shaver point and recessed ceiling down lights.
OUTSIDE:The front of the property has small planted box tree areas either side of the front door. To the side is a block paved parking space in front the of garage.
The rear garden has a large natural slate paved patio with the remaining laid to lawn and enclosed by wood panel fencing. Personal door to the garage.
GARAGE: - 5.5m (18'1") x 2.6m (8'6")Single garage with up and over door, light, power, electric consumer unit, window to the rear and personal door to the garden.
SERVICES AND OUTGOINGS:Mains water, drainage, gas and electricity. Gas central heating. Telecom subject to regulations. South Oxfordshire District Council, Tax Band C.
NoticePlease note we have not tested any apparatus, fixtures, fittings, or services. Interested parties must undertake their own investigation into the working order of these items. All measurements are approximate and photographs provided for guidance only.
Property Features :
- 3 Bedrooms
- En Suite Shower Room
- Cloakroom
- Garage
- Off Street Parking
- Close to Town Centre
- No Onward Chain