Property description
FRONT EXTERNAL To the front of the property is a lawn garden with borders and a pathway leading to the front door. There is side access to the rear garden.
HALLWAY Including a radiator, laminate flooring and stairs to the first floor.
LIVING ROOM 14' 8" x 11' 11" (4.484m x 3.636m) Spacious living room with a feature fireplace with open fire, vinyl flooring, a radiator, double glazed window to front and spotlights.
KITCHEN/DINER 12' 4" x 9' 4" (3.771m x 2.856m) Country style kitchen including fitted wall and base units with a solid oak work bench, one and a half stainless steel sink and drainer unit with mixer tap, space for a freestanding range cooker with stainless steel extractor hood above, plumbing for a washing machine, spotlights and two double glazed windows to the rear offering stunning views over the countryside.
INNER HALLWAY With spacious storage cupboard, laminate flooring, a radiator and a door allowing access to the side of the property.
FAMILY BATHROOM 6' 1" x 6' 0" (1.858m x 1.832m) Bathroom including bath with electric shower above, low level WC, pedestal wash hand basin, a radiator and a double glazed window to the side.
STAIRS With carpet flooring, a radiator and a double glazed window to the side.
LANDING Including loft access and carpet flooring.
MASTER BEDROOM 15' 7" x 9' 8" (4.768m x 2.954m) Spacious master bedroom with carpet flooring, double glazed window to front and a radiator.
ENSUITE Including shower cubicle with electric shower, low level WC, pedestal wash hand basin, extractor fan and coving.
BEDROOM TWO 13' 6" x 9' 6" (4.138m x 2.896m) Double bedroom with carpet flooring, a radiator and double glazed window to the rear with stunning views over the countryside.
BEDROOM THREE 10' 2" x 9' 5" (3.112m x 2.890m) Third bedroom with carpet flooring, a radiator and double glazed window to side.
REAR GARDEN To the rear is a fenced garden which includes a lawn and a gravelled area, a shed and views over the fields.