Property description
A Three Bedroom End Terraced Property Being Offered For Sale with \"No Upward Chain\" Ideal for First Time Buyers and briefly comprising: - Entrance Porch, Lounge, Dining Kitchen, Utility, Downstairs W.C., Bathroom, Gas Warm Air Central Heating Unit and Double Glazing (where specified) Gardens.
Berkeley Road can be found off Berkeley Road East which in turn can be found off Hob Moor Road, Yardley and within close proximity to the A45 Coventry Road, shops and schools and other amenities.
The property is set back from the road behind a brick built wall, lawn and pathway and more fully comprises:-
Entrance Porch having double glazed window and double glazed door leading to:-
Entrance Hall having under stairs storage, cloaks with meter storage.
Downstairs w.c having low flush w.c, vanity wash hand basin and part tiled walls
Kitchen/Diner 4.40 x 2.94 (14' 5\" x 9' 7\" ) having base and wall mounted units with work surfaces over, stainless steel single drainer sink unit, space for cooker, part tiled walls, 'Johnson & Stanley' gas fired warm air central heating unit, double glazed window and warm air duct
Lounge 4.53 x 3.43 (14' 10\" x 11' 3\") having warm air duct, double glazed window and french doors leading to garden:-
Utility double glazed back door, built in cupboards and shelving
Landing having airing cupboard housing copper cylinder immersion heater and doors leading to:-
Bedroom One 4.47 x 2.82 (14' 7\" x 9' 3\") having walk in wardrobe, double glazed window and warm air duct
Bedroom Two 3.58 x 2.82 ( 11' 8\" x 9' 3\") having double glazed window and warm air duct
Bedroom Three 3.48 x 1.97 (11' 5\" x 6' 5\") having double glazed window.
Bathroom comprising panelled bath with ' Mx' shower fitting curtain and rail, wash hand basin, low flush w.c. and double glazed window.
Fore Garden having brick built wall, lawn, flower borders and pathway leading to property.
Rear Garden having paved patio and lawn.
Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.
The Agent has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures and fittings or services and so cannot verify that they are in working order or fit for the purpose. A Buyer is advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor or Surveyor. References to the Tenure of a Property are based on information supplied by the Seller. The Agent has not had sight of the title documents. A Buyer is advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor. Items shown in photographs are NOT included unless specifically mentioned within the sales particulars. They may however be available by separate negotiation. Buyers must check the availability of any property and make an appointment to view before embarking on any journey to see a property.