Property description
Looking for a well presented and maintained detached home in a popular village location? This lovely family home could be the one! Comprising hallway, kitchen, L shaped lounge/dining room and garage to the ground floor. To the first floor, four bedrooms and immaculate bathroom. Externally off road parking and lovely cottage gardens.
Popular village location.
Four bedrooms.
Private rear garden.
Large lounge/dining room.
Hall | x . Wooden front door. Radiator, laminate flooring, ceiling light.
Kitchen | 11'6\" x 7'3\" (3.5m x 2.2m). Wooden back door. Double glazed uPVC bay window facing the front. Vinyl flooring, Two built-in storage cupboards, tiled splashbacks, ceiling lights. Roll top work surface, wall and base units, electric oven, gas hob, overhead extractor, space for washing machine.
Lounge/Dining Room | 19' x 17'1\" (5.8m x 5.2m). UPVC sliding double glazed door, opening onto the patio. Double glazed uPVC window facing the rear. Radiator and gas fire with feature fireplace, carpeted flooring, ceiling light.
Garage | x . Single garage, up and over door, power, light.
Landing | x . Double glazed uPVC window with patterned glass facing the side. Carpeted flooring, ceiling light, loft access.
Bedroom 1 | 13'1\" x 10' (3.99m x 3.05m). Double glazed uPVC window facing the front. Radiator, carpeted flooring, original coving, ceiling light.
Bedroom 2 | 10'10\" x 10' (3.3m x 3.05m). Double glazed uPVC window facing the rear. Radiator, carpeted flooring, original coving, ceiling light.
Bedroom 3 | 11'10\" x 8'6\" (3.6m x 2.6m). Double glazed uPVC window facing the front. Radiator, carpeted flooring, built-in storage cupboard, ceiling light.
Bedroom 4 | 8'6\" x 8'6\" (2.6m x 2.6m). Double glazed uPVC window facing the rear. Radiator, carpeted flooring, ceiling light.
Bathroom | x . Two double glazed uPVC windows with obscure glass facing the side. Heated towel rail, vinyl flooring, part tiled walls, spotlights. Low level WC, panelled bath, shower over bath, pedestal sink.
Outside | x . To the front, off road parking, lawn, shrubs. Side access gate. To the rear, a lovely cottage garden with patio, lawn, shrubs, trees, shed.