Property description
A well-presented three bedroom, three storey family property situated in a tucked away position off the main road of Willow Road and within excellent access to local amenities. The accommodation comprises an entrance hallway with staircase rising to the first floor, lounge with square bay window at the front, dining kitchen which has a tiled floor. The kitchen has space for a larder fridge freezer, space for a washing machine and dishwasher, built-in electric double oven, gas hob and extractor and a window to the rear. The dining room also has French doors leading out into the garden. There is also a ground floor WC. The first floor and landing gives access to the second bedroom which is a large double bedroom with two windows at the rear elevation. The family bathroom has a three-piece white suite comprising low level push button flush WC, pedestal wash hand basin, panelled bath with tap fitted mixer shower. The first floor landing also has a cupboard which houses the hot water cylinder. The third bedroom is also on the first floor with a window to the front elevation. The master bedroom has its own enclosed area of the first floor landing with a window to the front and a staircase rising to the bedroom itself. The bedroom area is particularly spacious with a window to the front and side elevations, built-in wardrobes and en-suite shower room. The shower room has a three-piece white suite comprising low level push button flush WC, pedestal wash hand basin and shower cubicle with mixer shower.
Outside, the property has a single detached garage with driveway at the front and an enclosed long garden to the rear.
LOCAL AUTHORITY Charnwood Borough Council
COUNCIL TAX BAND Prospective purchasers are advised to check the council tax band with the local authority.
TENURE Freehold
MEASUREMENTS All dimensions are approximate.
FIXTURES & FITTINGS The mention of any appliances, fixtures, fittings and/or appliances does not imply they are in full efficient working order.
INTERNAL PHOTOGRAPHS Photographs are reproduced for general information and it cannot be inferred that any item shown is included in the sale.
DRAWING/SKETCHES/PLANS For general guidance only and is not to scale.
These particulars, whilst believed to be accurate are set out as a general outline only for guidance and do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. Intending purchasers should not rely on them as statements of representation of fact, but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to their accuracy. No person in this firms employment has the authority to make or give any representation or warranty in respect of the property.
Property Features :
- Ideal family home
- Sought after village location
- Three storey accommodation
- En-suite shower room
- Three good sized bedrooms