Russell James * popular ellenbrook location * Admin fee £175 other fee's may apply * Three bedroom town house set over three floors * Guest W.C * Lounge, modern fitted kitchen * Two bathrooms * Gas central heating and double glazing * Gardens both front and rear * Garage * Offered unfurnished * Available 4th January 2016 * Restriction - no DSS.
Stairs to first floor.
Low level wc, vanity wash hand basin and window to front.
Fitted with a range of matching wall and base units with complimentary worktops over. Stainless steel gas hob with extractor over, fan assisted electric oven, plumbed for washing machine, integrated fridge, partially tiled walls and window to front.
Living flame effect electric fire with wooden surround and marble inset and hearth, coving and French doors to rear garden.
Stairs to second floor.
Double room with two windows to front.
Double room with window to rear.
Fitted with a three piece bathroom suite comprising of panelled bath with shower mixer tap, vanity wash hand basin and low level wc. Partially tiled walls with border tiles.
Double room with window to front.
Fitted wardrobes, recessed spotlights and velux window to rear.
Fitted with a three piece bathroom suite comprising of; double shower cubicle, pedestal wash hand basin and low level wc. Partially tiled walls with border tiles, recessed spotlights and velux window to rear.
To the front is an open plan lawned garden and access to the detached single garage. To the rear is an enclosed lawned garden.
Admin fee £175 other fee's may apply
From our office on Newearth Road proceed towards the A580, at roundabout take 2nd exit onto Ellenbrook Road, then immediate right onto Lawndale Drive.
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