Property description
The accommodation briefly comprises on the ground floor of a lounge, dining room and kitchen. Whilst on the first floor there are two bedrooms and bathroom. Outside, there is an enclosed rear garden.
Lounge | 14\‘5\" x 11\‘2\" (4.4m x 3.4m). Upvc double glazed window to front, fireplace with inset gas fire, radiator, door to:-
Kitchen | 13\‘9\" x 7\‘7\" (4.2m x 2.31m). A range of floor and wall units, rolled edge work surfaces, one and half single drainer sink unit, tiled splashbacks, space for cooker and fridge/freezer, stairs to first floor, understairs storage cupboard, opening to:-
Dining Room | 8\‘6\" x 5\‘3\" (2.6m x 1.6m). Upvc double glazed windows to side and rear, upvc double glazed door to rear, space for washing machine.
Landing | x . Loft access, radiator, doors to:-
Bedroom | 11\‘2\" x 7\‘10\" (3.4m x 2.39m). Upvc double glazed window to front, fitted cupboards.
Bedroom | 10\‘6\" x 8\‘2\" (3.2m x 2.5m). Upvc double glazed window to rear, eaved ceiling, fitted cupboard,
Bathroom | x . Matching suite comprising, panelled bath with electric shower over, pedestal wash hand basin, tiled splashbacks, close coupled WC, fan heater, extractor fan.
Outside | x . To the rear of the cottage is an enclosed courtyard with outside WC, a foot path leads to an outbuilding and onto a further garden area. There is rear access to the public car park.