Property description
ENTRANCE HALL Composite door to front, stairs to first floor, built in storage cupboard, radiators, power points, access to a partly boarded loft with a pull down ladder and light, doors to lounge, kitchen, bedrooms and bathroom.
LOUNGE/DINER Double glazed bay window and double glazed window to front, coving to ceiling, spotlights to ceiling, dado rail, television aerial point, telephone point, sky cable, gas fire place, two radiator, power points, part laminated floor.
KITCHEN Double glazed window to side and rear, wall and base units, stainless steel sink with mixer tap and drainer, integrated gas oven with four ring gas hob and extractor above, space for tall fridge freezer and tumble dryer, space a plumbing for washing machine, radiator, power points, part tiled walls.
BEDROOM ONE Double glazed window to rear, coving to ceiling, built in up and over wardrobes, radiator, power points.
BEDROOM TWO Double glazed window to front, coving to ceiling, dado rail, cupboard housing combination boiler, radiator, power points.
BATHROOM Double glazed frosted window to rear, enclosed panel bath with mixer tap and shower attachment, wall mounted electric shower, pedestal wash hand basin, low level w.c, heated towel radiator, fully tiled walls, tiled flooring.
GARDEN Brick built shed with a lean to and access to a large patio area.