Property description
ENTRANCE HALL Double glazed frosted glass panel front door, double glazed window to side, storage heater, cupboard housing meter, stairs to first floor.
KITCHEN 10\‘ 0" x 6\‘ 9" (3.05m x 2.06m) Double glazed window to rear and side, wall and base units, sink and drainer units, space for cooker and tall fridge freezer, space and plumbing for washing machine, power points, partly tiled walls.
LOUNGE 14\‘ 6" x 10\‘ 0" (4.42m x 3.05m) Double glazed window to front, power points, storage heater, telephone point, television aerial point, coving to ceiling.
LANDING Double glazed window to side, storage heater, doors to bedroom, bathroom, living and kitchen, access to loft with pull down ladder, airing cupboard, large double storage cupboard.
BEDROOM ONE 14\‘ 3" x 9\‘ 9" (4.34m x 2.97m) Double glazed window to rear, power points, storage heater, coving to ceiling, telephone point.
BEDROOM TWO 10\‘ 7" x 10\‘ 0" x narrowing to 6\‘ 7" (3.23m x 3.05m x narrowing to 2.01m) Double glazed window to front, power points, storage space and shelves, coving to ceiling, storage heater.
BATHROOM Double glazed frosted window to side, low level w.c, pedestal wash hand basin enclosed bath with wall mounted \‘Aqualisa\‘ power shower, fully tiled walls.
GARDEN Side access gate, small patio leading to level lawn.
GARAGE En bloc.