Property description
Located within the popular development of Westcott is this modern detached bungalow now requiring some updating. The bungalow offers spacious 2 bedroom accommodation comprising lounge, kitchen, dining room/study, conservatory and bathroom. Window and external doors are double glazed and there is gas fired central heating. Driveway parking and garage to the front and enclosed garden to the rear.
Being L shaped. Vinyl floor covering. Built in cupboards housing the electric and gas meters. Building in cupboard housing the Worcester gas fired boiler for the central heating. Radiator. Access to loft space.
BEDROOM - 13' 6'' x 9' 0'' (4.11m x 2.74m)
Window to front elevation. Radiator.
LOUNGE - 17' 6'' x 10' 9'' (5.33m x 3.27m)
Bay window to front elevation with wide display ledge and benefiting from views across the town to Bodmin Moor in the distance. Further smaller window to the side. Radiator. Living flame gas fire. TV point.
KITCHEN - 10' 9'' x 8' 6'' (3.27m x 2.59m)
Window and upvc door to side elevation. Comprising a range of modern white wall and base cabinets with wood effect work surfaces over. Built in electric oven and hob with extractor over. Space and plumbing for washing machine and space for upright fridge/freezer. 1 1/2 bowl stainless steel sink and drainer with mixer tap. Radiator. Laminate floor covering.
BEDROOM - 10' 9'' x 9' 11'' (3.27m x 3.02m)
Window to rear into the conservatory. 2 double built in wardrobes. Radiator.
DINING ROOM/STUDY - 11' 9'' x 7' 0'' (3.58m x 2.13m)
Double upvc doors into conservatory.
CONSERVATORY - 18' 7'' x 5' 11'' (5.66m x 1.80m)
Upvc double glazed under a polycarbonate roof. Electric power points. Doors to both sides and further door to garden.
BATHROOM - 6' 5'' x 5' 3'' (1.95m x 1.60m)
Obscure glazed window to side with tiled ledge. Fully tiled walls. Comprising a angled bath with shower over and screen. Pedestal wash hand basin. Low level wc. Heated towel rail. Extractor.
Front driveway with parking for a couple of cars in front of the garage. Area of garden to the front with pathway to the side and gateway to the rear garden. The rear enclosed garden is mainly paved on slightly different levels and has a small pond.
SINGLE GARAGE - 17' 0'' x 9' 2'' (5.18m x 2.79m)
Up and over door. Power and light connected. Window and personal door to the rear garden.