Property description
WE ARE PLEASED TO OFFER FOR SALE THIS SEMI DETACHED MODERN PROPERTY BUILT BY BELLWAY HOMES QUIETLY SITUATED IN A CORNER CUL-DE-SAC LOCATION WITH A GARAGE NEARBY. THIS PROPERTY IS IN IMMACULATE ORDER THROUGHOUTENTRANCE HALL * CLOAKROOM * KITCHEN * LOUNGE * TWO DOUBLE BEDROOMS * BATHROOM * GARDENS AND GARAGETHE PROPERTY BENEFITS FROM GAS RADIATOR CENTRAL HEATING AND DOUBLE GLAZINGTHE ACCOMMODATION Outside dustbin store, overhung porch with outside light to double glazed and paned stained glass door to:ENTRANCE HALLWith stairs to first floor, radiator, one single power point, door to lounge, door to kitchen and door to:CLOAKROOMWith white suite comprising low level wc, wall mounted wash hand basin with tiled splashback, radiator and extractor fan.KITCHEN 9'8\" x 5'8\"With matching range of light wood fronted wall and base units including below unit lighting incorporating stainless steel four ring gas hob unit with stainless steel electric oven below and concealed extractor fan/light above, single drainer stainless steel sink set in formica rolled edge worktop, concealed wall mounted gas boiler, space and plumbing for automatic washing machine and dishwasher, fridge/freezer space, radiator, power points and double glazed window to front aspect.LOUNGE 17'3\" (max) x 11'11\"With deep understairs storage cupboard, radiator, power points, television point, telephone point, central heating thermostat, ceiling coving, two double glazed windows to rear aspect and double glazed French doors to rear garden.LANDINGWith radiator, power points, access to roof space including loft ladder.BEDROOM I 12'9\" x 9'7\" (max)With doors to built in wardrobe, door to large airing cupboard, radiator, power points, television point, ceiling coving and double glazed window to front aspect.BEDROOM II 10'10\" x 9'11\"With radiator, power points and double glazed window to rear aspect.BATHROOM 6'3\" x 5'7\"With white suite comprising panelled bath with mains shower above and shower screen, shower attachment to mixer tap and fully tiled walls, low level wc pedestal wash hand basin, radiator, shaver socket, extractor fan and obscure double glazed window to rear aspect.OUTSIDEFRONT GARDENThis garden is open plan and mainly laid to lawn including gravelled areas. A side access gate leads to the rear garden.REAR GARDENThis West facing garden is mainly laid to lawn and includes a paved patio area situated immediately to the rear of the property and leading to the side access gate. Flower and shrub beds form the borders with timber fencing screening the boundaries. An outside light is attached to the rear wall of the property.DIRECTIONSFrom our office in Faringdon, proceed along Gloucester Street and go through the market square into London Street. At the top of the hill take the first turning to the right into Stanford road. Take the second turning to the right into Berners Way and the second turning to the left into Wessex Close. Number 26 will be found on the right of the cul-de-sac. FLOOR PLAN Not to scale, for identification purposes only.
Property Features :
- Gas radiator central heating
- Double glazing