Property description
The property enjoys two generously sized reception rooms of which the front is used as a lounge with a feature fireplace which houses an open fire and has recesses to either side with a built-in cupboard and a bay window to the front elevation. The dining room has a rear elevation window with a further feature fireplace. The inner lobby has a return staircase that rises to the first floor and beyond the lobby is a fitted kitchen where base and wall units provide storage with laminate work surfaces and stainless steel sink unit with a built-in oven, hob and extractor, there is further appliance space with a wall mounted central heating boiler, tiled flooring throughout, a window and door to the side elevation. To the first floor are two double bedrooms which share a stylish bathroom with a white three piece suite with panelled bath and shower above, three windows provide a superb amount of natural light. Externally, low maintenance gardens are found to front and rear with a shared passageway leading from the front to rear elevations.
LOCAL AUTHORITY Charnwood Borough Council
COUNCIL TAX BAND The local authority have advised us that the property is in Council Tax Band B. Prospective purchasers are advised to confirm this.
TENURE Freehold
MEASUREMENTS All dimensions are approximate.
FIXTURES & FITTINGS The mention of any appliances, fixtures, fittings and/or appliances does not imply they are in full efficient working order.
INTERNAL PHOTOGRAPHS Photographs are reproduced for general information and it cannot be inferred that any item shown is included in the sale.
DRAWING/SKETCHES/PLANS For general guidance only and is not to scale.
These particulars, whilst believed to be accurate are set out as a general outline only for guidance and do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. Intending purchasers should not rely on them as statements of representation of fact, but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to their accuracy. No person in this firms employment has the authority to make or give any representation or warranty in respect of the property.
Property Features :
- Character terraced home
- Two double bedrooms
- Two reception rooms
- Well-presented throughout
- Town centre location