Property description
This two bedroom bungalow benefits from a kitchen extension at the rear, 20ft lounge/dining room, off street parking and an enclosed garden.
Whilst the property requires some updates, it will be of particular interest to retirees or those seeking a realistically priced rental investment. It is available with vacant possession, or with the current tenant in situ, who is paying £300 per calendar month at present.
ENTRANCE HALLWAY: Having a UPVC entrance door and leading to the following accommodation.
LOUNGE/DINING ROOM 20ft 7in x 11ft 10in: A rear facing reception room with four wall light points, a radiator and fitted gas fire with tiled surround.
KITCHEN 15ft 4in x 6ft 11in: Fitted with an inset resin sink with mixer tap and cupboard under, further base and wall mounted units, plus area of worktop surfaces. There is a gas oven, plumbing for an automatic washing machine, wall mounted gas fired combination boiler, two rear facing windows and a UPVC rear access door.
INNER LOBBY: Leading to the...
SHOWER ROOM: Part tiled and fitted with a wet room style shower area, low flush WC and wash hand basin. There is an obscure glazed window and radiator.
BEDROOM ONE 11ft 10in x 8ft 6in: A front facing master bedroom with radiator.
BEDROOM TWO 11ft 11in x 8ft 5in: A front facing bedroom with radiator.
OUTSIDE There is an area of garden and off street parking at the front of the property and a further enclosed garden at the rear.