Property description
50 KNIGHTON ROAD, WEMBURY, PLYMOUTH PL9 0EB Accommodation From Knighton Road the front door opens onto a covered entrance area which provides secure access to numbers 48 and 50 Knighton Road. The main front door for number 50 opens into the living room.
LIVING ROOM 12' 8" x 12' 5" (3.86m x 3.78m) Beamed ceiling. Stone-built fireplace with matching hearth. Storage heater. Cupboard housing electric meter. uPVC double-glazed window overlooking the south-facing rear garden. Ledge and braced door conceals the staircase ascending to the first floor. A separate doorway leads into the kitchen.
KITCHEN 8' 10" x 6' 3" (2.69m x 1.91m) Range of base and wall-mounted cabinets with matching fascias and work surfaces. Tiled splash-back. Stainless-steel, single-drainer sink unit. uPVC double-glazed window to the front elevation. Beamed ceiling. Doorway opens into a vestibule which has a further doorway opening into the bathroom.
BATHROOM Bath, wc and pedestal wash handbasin. Fully-tiled walls. Storage cabinet. uPVC obscured, double-glazed window to the front elevation.
FIRST FLOOR LANDING uPVC double-glazed window to the front elevation provides natural light to the staircase. The landing has original timber panelling. Doorways provide access to the bedrooms. Storage heater.
BEDROOM ONE 13' 7" x 10' 11" (4.14m x 3.33m) Dual aspect room with uPVC double-glazed windows to the front and rear elevations. Range of built-in furniture. From the rear there are lovely views over the garden.
BEDROOM TWO 12' 0" x 11' 8" (3.66m x 3.56m) uPVC double-glazed window to the rear elevation, overlooking the garden. Built-in cupboard with slatted shelving, housing hot water cylinder.
OUTSIDE The garden to the rear is beautifully-presented, being mainly laid to lawn, with a variety of mature shrubs and trees. Paved patio area together with an original stone-built store and workshop. There is also an additional enclosed area of land near the end of the plot, owned by the property, which includes a timber summer house. This area backs onto open countryside.
Property Info: