Russell James * nicely presented * popular location * DSS considered * Admin fee £175 other fee's may apply * Two bedroom semi detached true bungalow * Lounge/ Dining area * Modern fitted kitchen * Gas central heating (combi), double glazing and an alarm * Modern shower room * Loft space for storage * Gardens both front and rear * Driveway * Offered unfurnished * Available immediately * Restrictions - No children or dogs.
Good size room with coving, space for dining table and bay window to front.
Fitted with a range of modern wall and base units with electric oven and hob with chimney style extractor over, spaces for washing and fridge/freezer. Partially tiled walls, window and door to side.
Double room with window to rear.
Single room with stairs to loft space and window to rear.
Fitted with a modern suite comprising of: Shower cubicle, pedestal wash hand basin and low level w.C. Partially tiled walls, bamboo flooring and window to side.
Loft space for storage.
To the front the garden is laid to lawn with planted borders and a gate giving access to the rear. The garden to the rear is laid to lawn lawn with a further garden area beyond.
Admin fee £175 other fee's may apply
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