Property description
The Owner uses part of the ground floor as a part-time consulting room and will continue to do so. However his presence is non obtrusive although some weeks he can work more than others.
Situated close to Sunningdale golf course and within walking distance of Sunningdale Village, shops and train station.
To be let - Furnished
Entrance Hall
Wood panelled front door leads to hallway.
with single drainer, sink unit with cupboards under, range of work surfaces, with cupboards and drawers under, gas inset hob, electric eye-level oven, built in fridge, ceramic floor.
First Floor Landing
Easy rising stairs lead to a spacious hallway. Cupboard housing the boiler.
Well appointed spacious room with radiator, coved ceiling.
Bedroom 1
Good Double with radiator, concealed vanity unit with wash hand basin, fitted hanging and shelved cupboards. Window to front of property.
with white suite consisting of panelled bath with shower attachment, wash hand basin and low level w.c. Ceramic tiled floor