1, Ivy Cottage, Garth Lane, Knighton LD7 1SB

LD7 1SB, Garth Lane, Knighton, LD7, Knighton house price

Sold Price: £130,000

Estimated Price: £143,534

1, Ivy Cottage, Garth Lane, Knighton LD7 1SB

Property Summary:

3 Bed(s)
1 Bath(s)
interested in this property.
The property you are viewing is located at 1, Ivy Cottage, Garth Lane, Knighton LD7 1SB. This is a Property with an estimated value of £143,534. The average value of properties on Garth Lane, Knighton, LD7 is £230,723 while the overall average value of properties in LD7 is £201,254.

Over the past 5 years, the average sold price of properties in Garth Lane, Knighton, LD7 is £197,166 and the average rent in the LD7 area is £1051 pcm.

Disclaimer : Estimated price calculation of the properties is based on Price Paid Data from United Kingdom Land Registry Records available as public record from their website. This information is updated monthly and may not reflect all the public transactions. We strive to ensure that information is accurate and current but Estimates may not reflect the actual property price.
The rental estimates we provide are calculated on the basis of a gross rental yield average of 6.4%*, which is then applied to a property's overall value. This in turn produces an average monthly rent which is about 0.533% of the property's value. The rental yield average we use is extracted from Paragon Groups' latest quarterly report which can be seen here.
Data produced by Land Registry © Crown copyright 2014.



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