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Area Guide For SW1W 8QZ


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Nearest tradesmen and local services

Some of the nearest services available in SW1W 8QZ are Vivien Greenock Ltd (Interior Designers), Russell Sage Studio (Interior Designers), Benchmarx Kitchen & Joinery Ltd (Kitchen Designers & Installers), Jane Churchill Interiors Ltd (Interior Designers), Jane Churchill Interiors Ltd (Interior Designers), Kitchen Evolution Ltd (Kitchen Designers & Installers), Damp Proofing London S W (Damp & Dry Rot Service), Damp Proofing London S W (Damp & Dry Rot Service), Modern Metropolis (Furniture Stores), Modern Metropolis (Furniture Stores), Luke Irwin (Carpet Fitter), Luke Irwin (Carpet Fitter), Marc de Berny (Furniture Stores), Blenheim Carpets (Carpet Fitter), Paul Davis & Partners (Architect), Paul Davis & Partners (Architect), Soane Ltd (Furniture Designers), Tone Design Ltd (Architectural Service), Guardsys (Security systems), Guardsys (Security systems), Collection Pierre Ltd (Furniture Stores), Promemoria UK Ltd (Furniture Designers), Vaci Partnership (Architect), The Dining Chair Company Ltd (Furniture Stores), The Dining Chair Company Ltd (Furniture Stores), Lloyds Chambers & Co (Building Surveyor), Lloyds Chambers & Co (Building Surveyor), S W Bruce & Co Ltd (Builder), Guard Security Systems (Security systems), Michael Reeves Associates Ltd (Interior Designers), Michael Reeves Associates Ltd (Interior Designers), Nicholas Haslam (Interior Designers), Nicholas Haslam (Interior Designers), Victorian Wood Works (Flooring Services), John Stefanidis (Interior Designers), John Stefanidis (Interior Designers), Leonie Brown Ltd (Interior Designers), Rose Uniacke Interiors (Interior Designers), Canelink Ltd (Architectural Service), Mlinaric Henry & Zervudachi (Interior Designers), Tim Wood Ltd (Kitchen Designers & Installers), Tim Wood Ltd (Kitchen Designers & Installers), Rogier Lamps (Lighting Stores), Rogier Lamps (Lighting Stores), Sanaiy Carpets (Carpet Fitter), Nicholas Haslam Ltd (Interior Designers), Victoria Manser Ltd (Architect), Law Carpentry & Bathrooms (Carpenter), The Dining Chair Company (Furniture Stores), Joanna Trading (Interior Designers), Auto Emergency Locksmith (Locksmiths), March & White (Architect), Talisman (Furniture Stores), Talisman (Furniture Stores), Living Interiors (Interior Designers), Living Interiors (Interior Designers), Tomasz Starzewski (Furniture Stores), London Carpet Cleaners (Carpet & Rugs Shop), Sloane Gardens Resident Association (Property Maintenance Services), Clifford Tee & Gale (Architect), Ultimate Kitchens (Kitchen Designers & Installers), Elizabeth Eaton (Interior Designers), Currys Digital (Electrician), La Murrina (Lighting Stores), La Murrina (Lighting Stores), Law Dempster Security Ltd (Security systems) and Luke Irwin Rugs Ltd (Carpet Fitter).

Transportation and schools in SW1W 8QZ

SW1W 8QZ has access to various means of transportation including tube, bus and ferry ports. Nearest tube stations include Sloane Square, Victoria. There is also easy access to airports like London City Airport, London Heathrow Airport, London Gatwick Airport then there are ferry ports that can be used to get by e.g. Cadogan Pier, St George Wharf Pier, Millbank Millennium Pier.

Close access to schools is most important factor in decision making for parents when buying any property. SW1W 8QZ has many primary, secondary and private schools to choose from including primary schools like St Barnabas' CE Primary School, Francis Holland Junior School, Sloane Square, St Gabriel's CofE Primary School. Some of the secondary schools include Abbey College, London, Saint Thomas More Language College, Pimlico Academy. Then there are others like Francis Holland School, Sloane Square, Enjoy Education, Frederick Hugh House.

Disclaimer : Location real estate estimates and values are based on House price index background data and Sales data provided by United Kingdom Land registry Records available as public records from their website. This information is updated monthly on our website and may not reflect all public transactions. This information is based on estimated calculation generated from our developed algorithms. We are striving to make this information as accurate and useful as possible. This data covers the transactions received at Land Registry in the period 1/1/1995 to 9/1/2014. © Crown copyright 2014. Data produced by Land Registry © Crown copyright 2014.

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Transportation in SW1W 8QZ