Average Price for property in Rochester Court, Horbury, Wakefield, WF4 is around £166,987 which varies based on type of property you are interested in and ranges from £183,481 for detached house to around £189,291 for semi-detached. Similarly terraced house is around £127,064 and a flat is worth £135,540. Values have been changing and have risen £451 in last 3 months alone. Similar historical trend can be observed in price changes e.g. prices changed £1,367 in last 6 months, £8,139 in last 1 year, £12,722 in last 2 years, £18,504 in last 3 years, £9,897 in last 4 years and £8,090 in last 5 years.
Currently average asking price of a property in Rochester Court, Horbury, Wakefield, WF4 is around £228,377 based on approximately 3 properties for sale. Same is the case with rental options based on 88 properties up for rent, average asking rent is around £872 per month.
Estimated property value in Rochester Court, Horbury, Wakefield, WF4 is £166,987. Average asking price is £228,377 while average price paid is £134,666 which is up by £8,139 and Avg. asking rent £872.Based on an Online Survey
Buyers are willing to pay high dollar prices to grab these properties because of the recent trend in real estate investment especially in Rochester Court, Horbury, Wakefield, WF4 area. In last 1 year alone average price buyer paid is around £134,666 based on approximately 3 sales in Rochester Court, Horbury, Wakefield, WF4 area alone. If you compare it to last 3 years sales of 5 properties where buyers paid around £125,600. It has been same for some time now for e.g. if you take an average of amount paid in last 5 years, it comes to around £125,500 for 6 and average amount paid for purchase of approx. 7 properties sold in last 7 years comes to about £125,571 per sale.