Browse Current Property Prices in Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea, SA7

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*Local property prices on this page are only estimated values which will be updated continually. You can also find out home values for Aran Street, Morriston, Swansea, SA6, Arwelfa, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 and Ash Street, Morriston, Swansea, SA6.
51 - 75 of 125 - Results per page:  
98 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW
98 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

102 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW
102 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

106 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW
106 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

104 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW
104 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

108 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW
108 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

110 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW
110 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

112 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW
112 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW

Estimated Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

114 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW
114 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

116 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW
116 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

118 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW
118 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

120 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW
120 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

131 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN
131 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Semi-Detached | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

132 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW
132 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Semi-Detached | 3 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

133 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN
133 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Semi-Detached | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

135 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN
135 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

134 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW
134 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LW

Estimated Price:


Semi-Detached | 3 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

138 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN
138 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

140 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN
140 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

142 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN
142 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Semi-Detached | 3 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

144 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN
144 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

148 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN
148 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

150 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN
150 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

152 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN
152 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

156 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN
156 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Semi-Detached | 3 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

158 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN
158 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9LN

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

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Estimated Price: £106,617
98 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9L...
Estimated Price: £107,866
102 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £106,055
106 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £107,983
104 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £107,040
108 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £109,063
110 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £109,126
112 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £108,681
114 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £108,385
116 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £107,760
118 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £107,072
120 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £89,250
131 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £90,207
132 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £75,898
133 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £107,040
135 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £109,603
134 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £108,427
138 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £109,634
140 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £57,380
142 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £107,527
144 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £109,804
148 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £108,163
150 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £106,850
152 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £73,621
156 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
Estimated Price: £108,724
158 Heol Dulais, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9...
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