Browse Current Property Prices in Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling, ME19

If you live on this street and are wondering how much your home is worth, try our market value estimation service below. Simply click on the address and find out what the house is worth and how much it can be rented for.
*Local property prices on this page are only estimated values which will be updated continually. You can also find out home values for Addison Close, East Malling, West Malling, ME19, Beech Road, East Malling, West Malling, ME19 and Blacklands Drive, East Malling, West Malling, ME19.
1 - 25 of 97 - Results per page:  
2 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN
2 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN

Estimated Price:


| 4 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

6 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN
6 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN

Estimated Price:


| 3 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

10 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN
10 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

12 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN
12 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

15 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN
15 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN

Estimated Price:


| 5 Bedroom(s) | 3 Bathroom(s)

17 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN
17 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN

Estimated Price:


| 4 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

19 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN
19 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

20 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN
20 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN

Estimated Price:


Link Detached House | 3 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

67 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS
67 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| 4 Bedroom(s) | 3 Bathroom(s)

41 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS
41 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| 3 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

96 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QX
96 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QX

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| 4 Bedroom(s) | 3 Bathroom(s)

47 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS
47 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| 4 Bedroom(s) | 2 Bathroom(s)

97 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QX
97 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QX

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| 4 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

85 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QX
85 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QX

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| 4 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

28 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS
28 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| 4 Bedroom(s) | 2 Bathroom(s)

13 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN
13 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| 3 Bedroom(s) | 2 Bathroom(s)

56 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS
56 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| 4 Bedroom(s) | 2 Bathroom(s)

66 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS
66 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| 4 Bedroom(s) | 3 Bathroom(s)

9 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN
9 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QN

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

61 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS
61 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| 4 Bedroom(s) | 3 Bathroom(s)

33 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS
33 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| 4 Bedroom(s) | 2 Bathroom(s)

39 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS
39 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| 3 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

94 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QX
94 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QX

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Terraced | 4 Bedroom(s) | 2 Bathroom(s)

63 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS
63 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| 4 Bedroom(s) | 2 Bathroom(s)

55 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS
55 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QS

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| 5 Bedroom(s) | 2 Bathroom(s)

 Couldn't find the right property yet?
Estimated Price: £317,657
2 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malli...
Estimated Price: £336,924
6 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malli...
Estimated Price: £338,710
10 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £343,594
12 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £348,546
15 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £337,665
17 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £349,186
19 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £336,891
20 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...

20 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Link Detached House | 3 Bd | 1 Ba

Estimated Price: £326,992
67 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £330,026
41 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £357,511
96 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £302,381
47 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £356,646
97 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £368,564
85 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £303,808
28 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £398,246
13 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £349,416
56 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £364,237
66 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £288,010
9 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Malli...
Estimated Price: £400,971
61 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £448,337
33 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £287,647
39 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £377,219
94 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £361,233
63 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
Estimated Price: £344,644
55 Bridgewater Place, Leybourne, West Mall...
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