Area Guide For NW1 0RY


NW1 0RY Map

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Greenwood Letting & Estate Agents
14 Woburn Walk, London

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Nearest tradesmen and local services

Some of the nearest services available in NW1 0RY are Arts Lettres Techniques Ltd (Architect), Arts Lettres Techniques Ltd (Architect), M K S Architects (Architect), Gemini Roofing (Property Maintenance Services), Currys Digital (Electrician), Spence Refit Ltd (Builder), Camden Locksmiths (Locksmiths), Camden Locksmiths (Locksmiths), Kalyvides Partnership (Architect), Ryness Electrical Ltd (Electrician), Ryness Electrical Ltd (Electrician), All Season Carpet (Carpet Fitter), Elite Roofing Solutions UK Ltd (Roofing Contractors), Elite Roofing Solutions UK Ltd (Roofing Contractors), Cartwright Pickard Architects (Architect), C 2 1 London Decorating Services (Painters & Decorators), Removals Camden (Removals & Storage Services), K & I Kitchens (Kitchen Designers & Installers), K & I Kitchens (Kitchen Designers & Installers), Burrell Foley Fisher LLP Architects & Urban Designers (Architect), V C Carpentry & Decorating (Carpenter), V C Carpentry & Decorating (Carpenter), Tool Supplies Ltd (DIY Shop), Carpet Cleaning Cleaner (Carpet & Rugs Shop), Boyarsky Murphy Architects (Architect), Boyarsky Murphy Architects (Architect), Michael Kevin Lenihan (Plumbers), Baladi Kitchens Ltd (Kitchen Designers & Installers), Llewelyn Davies Yeang (Architect), Llewelyn Davies Yeang (Architect), London & Continental Railways (Property Maintenance Services), Camdentown Removals (Removals & Storage Services), Camden Garden Centre Ltd (Garden Centres), Marylebone Cleaning Services (Carpet & Rugs Shop), A Nice Man with A Van (Removals & Storage Services), All Service 4 U (Locksmiths), K S R Architects (Architect), G A Design International (Interior Designers), A J Enterprises (Builder), A J Enterprises (Builder), Wright & Wright (Architect), Wright & Wright (Architect), Colorati Interiors (Interior Designers), Colorati Interiors (Interior Designers), 247 North London Locksmiths (Locksmiths), 247 North London Locksmiths (Locksmiths), currys.digital (Electrician), Safe Vans Removals (Removals & Storage Services), Rick Mather Architects (Architect), Rick Mather Architects (Architect), West Architecture Ltd (Architect), Metaphor Ltd (Architectural Service), Removals Cheap & Reliable (Removals & Storage Services), Matthew's Locksmith (Locksmiths), Matthew's Locksmith (Locksmiths), T B D Architects (Architect), A L P (Architectural Service), Taylor's Ltd (Plumbers), Ushida Findlay (Architect) and Ushida Findlay (Architect).

Transportation and schools in NW1 0RY

NW1 0RY has access to various means of transportation including tube, bus and ferry ports. Nearest tube stations include Mornington Crescent, Camden Town. There is also easy access to airports like London City Airport, London Heathrow Airport, London Luton Airport then there are ferry ports that can be used to get by e.g. Blackfriars Millennium Pier, Savoy Pier, Embankment Pier.

Close access to schools is most important factor in decision making for parents when buying any property. NW1 0RY has many primary, secondary and private schools to choose from including primary schools like Richard Cobden Primary School, St Michael's Church of England Primary School, Our Ladys Roman Catholic Primary School. Some of the secondary schools include Maria Fidelis Roman Catholic Convent School FCJ, The Working Men's College, Regent High School. Then there are others like Children's Hospital School at Gt Ormond Street and UCH, International Community School, Samuel Rhodes MLD School.

Disclaimer : Location real estate estimates and values are based on House price index background data and Sales data provided by United Kingdom Land registry Records available as public records from their website. This information is updated monthly on our website and may not reflect all public transactions. This information is based on estimated calculation generated from our developed algorithms. We are striving to make this information as accurate and useful as possible. This data covers the transactions received at Land Registry in the period 1/1/1995 to 9/1/2014. © Crown copyright 2014. Data produced by Land Registry © Crown copyright 2014.

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Transportation in NW1 0RY