Average Price for property in Llwyn Y Bryn, Ammanford, SA18 is around £191,129 e.g. average price for detached house is around 191,129. Values have been changing and have risen £1,420 in last 3 months alone. Similar historical trend can be observed in price changes e.g. prices changed £4,782 in last 6 months, £14,010 in last 1 year, £18,125 in last 2 years, £15,620 in last 3 years, £11,681 in last 4 years and £16,423 in last 5 years.
Currently average asking price of a property in Llwyn Y Bryn, Ammanford, SA18 is around £168,153 based on approximately 4 properties for sale. Same is the case with rental options based on 64 properties up for rent, average asking rent is around £579 per month.
Estimated property value in Llwyn Y Bryn, Ammanford, SA18 is £191,129. Average asking price is £168,153 while average price paid is £161,750 which is up by £14,010 and Avg. asking rent £579.Based on an Online Survey
Buyers are willing to pay high dollar prices to grab these properties because of the recent trend in real estate investment especially in Llwyn Y Bryn, Ammanford, SA18 area. In last 1 year alone average price buyer paid is around £161,750 based on approximately 4 sales in Llwyn Y Bryn, Ammanford, SA18 area alone. If you compare it to last 3 years sales of 8 properties where buyers paid around £145,750. It has been same for some time now for e.g. if you take an average of amount paid in last 5 years, it comes to around £144,000 for 12 and average amount paid for purchase of approx. 16 properties sold in last 7 years comes to about £143,625 per sale.