Area Guide For GU2 9PE


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New leaf Homes
13 cramhurst Ln, Witey godalming, GU8 5RA

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Nearest tradesmen and local services

Some of the nearest services available in GU2 9PE are John Storry (Architect), John Storry (Architect), J E Benson (Roofing Contractors), Southern Rods (Drainage Contractor), (Plumbers), Becketts Plumbing & Heating (Boiler Repair & Servicer), C S R Plumbing Services (Plumbers), C S R Plumbing Services (Plumbers), T G Williscroft (Boiler Repair & Servicer), Under One Roof Southern Ltd (Property Maintenance Services), R J White (Carpet Cleaner), Curtis Roofing (Roofing Contractors), Mo's Sons Ltd (Bathroom Designer), Pickford Paving (Paving Contractors), Pickford Paving (Paving Contractors), C Howard (Painters & Decorators), C Howard (Painters & Decorators), Kevin Kercher (Plumbers), L A Hughes Brickwork (Bricklayer), L A Hughes Brickwork (Bricklayer), R D Oldham (Bathroom Designer), B & D Taylor (Builder), Robin G Hamilton (Plasterers), Call for Curtains (Curtain Supplier), West Surrey Technical Ltd (Electronic Shop), West Surrey Technical Ltd (Electronic Shop), Artery Heating (Plumbers), Artery Heating (Plumbers), Paul M Cook (Carpenters & Joiners), A M J Studwick Heating & Plumbing (Plumbers), Home Sweet Home (Property Maintenance Services), Home Sweet Home (Property Maintenance Services), Home Sweet Home (Property Maintenance Services), D S P Crinall (Plasterers), Elite Electrical Services (Electronic Shop), Doorware Ltd (Carpenters & Joiners), Clean Plan Services (Carpet & Rugs Shop), Chem Dry (Carpet & Rugs Shop), C D Carter & Company (Roofing Contractors), Ladymead Carpets & Flooring (Carpet Fitter), Ladymead Carpets (Carpet Fitter), Ian Woods (Architectural Service), M & H Carpentry (Carpenters & Joiners), D W Barnes (Plasterers), Steve Brenton Plastering (Plasterers), M J Pryce Building Contractors Ltd (Builder), Campbell Carpentry (Carpenters & Joiners), Guildford Movers (Removals & Storage Services), Framptons Removals (Removals & Storage Services), C & M Building (Builder), T C Construction (Builder), Watertight Solutions Plumbing Ltd (Plumbers), Unicorn Removals Ltd (Removals & Storage Services), Locksmith on Call (Locksmiths), G J P Flooring (Flooring Services), G J P Flooring (Flooring Services), Etherington Electrical Testing Ltd (Electronic Shop), Locksmith Guildford (Locksmiths), A Spec Carpentry (Carpenters & Joiners) and Heat Profile (Gas Installers).

Transportation and schools in GU2 9PE

GU2 9PE has access to various means of transportation including tube, bus and ferry ports. Nearest tube stations include . There is also easy access to airports like London Heathrow Airport, London Gatwick Airport, Shoreham Airport then there are ferry ports that can be used to get by e.g. Moulsey - Hurst Park Ferry Landing, Weybridge Ferry Landing, Shepperton Ferry Landing.

Close access to schools is most important factor in decision making for parents when buying any property. GU2 9PE has many primary, secondary and private schools to choose from including primary schools like St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Stoughton Infant School, Northmead Junior School. Some of the secondary schools include Guildford College of Further and Higher Education, Kings College for the Arts and Technology, Christ's College. Then there are others like Pond Meadow School, Lower School Ladies' College, The Willows.

Disclaimer : Location real estate estimates and values are based on House price index background data and Sales data provided by United Kingdom Land registry Records available as public records from their website. This information is updated monthly on our website and may not reflect all public transactions. This information is based on estimated calculation generated from our developed algorithms. We are striving to make this information as accurate and useful as possible. This data covers the transactions received at Land Registry in the period 1/1/1995 to 9/1/2014. © Crown copyright 2014. Data produced by Land Registry © Crown copyright 2014.

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