Area Guide For EC1V 4NR


EC1V 4NR Map

Estimated Price: --
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Popular Houses in EC1V 4NR

Nearest tradesmen and local services

Some of the nearest services available in EC1V 4NR are Angel Plumbing Services (Plumbers), Agenda 21 Architects Ltd (Architect), David Archer Architects Ltd (Architect), Fareed Fetto & Co - Party Wall Surveyors (Building Surveyor), Squared Interiors Ltd (Interior Designers), Fast Auto Locksmiths (Locksmiths), Fast Auto Locksmiths (Locksmiths), D O S Architects (Architect), Acute Design (Interior Designers), Knoll (Furniture Stores), Studio 303 Ltd (Architect), Allen-bell Architects (Architectural Service), Greenhill Jenner Architect (Architect), Eric Kuhne & Associates (Architect), Darntonegs (Architect), Martin Lewy Chartered Building Surveyor (Building Surveyor), Agenda 21 Architects Studio (Architect), Lipton Plant Architects (Architect), Househam Henderson (Architect), B D P (Architectural Service), Steffian Bradley Architects (Architect), Darnton E G S (Architect), Mackay & Partners LLP (Architect), Archer Architects LLP (Architect), Greenhill Jenner Architect (Architectural Service), Binom Architects (Architect), Allen-bell Architects (Architect), Edgley Design (Architect), Civic Arts (Architect) and T T S P (Architectural Service).

Transportation and schools in EC1V 4NR

EC1V 4NR has access to various means of transportation including tube, bus and ferry ports. Nearest tube stations include Angel, Farringdon. There is also easy access to airports like London City Airport, London Heathrow Airport, London Luton Airport then there are ferry ports that can be used to get by e.g. Bankside Pier, Blackfriars Millennium Pier, Savoy Pier.

Close access to schools is most important factor in decision making for parents when buying any property. EC1V 4NR has many primary, secondary and private schools to choose from including primary schools like Hugh Myddelton Primary School, Clerkenwell Parochial CofE Primary School, Moreland Primary School. Some of the secondary schools include City and Islington College, Project 16, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Language College. Then there are others like Richard Cloudesley PH School, Children's Hospital School at Gt Ormond Street and UCH, Samuel Rhodes MLD School.

Disclaimer : Location real estate estimates and values are based on House price index background data and Sales data provided by United Kingdom Land registry Records available as public records from their website. This information is updated monthly on our website and may not reflect all public transactions. This information is based on estimated calculation generated from our developed algorithms. We are striving to make this information as accurate and useful as possible. This data covers the transactions received at Land Registry in the period 1/1/1995 to 9/1/2014. © Crown copyright 2014. Data produced by Land Registry © Crown copyright 2014.

Sold Properties in EC1V 4NR

Transportation in EC1V 4NR