When it comes to housing in the E4 7UT area, the number of houses Owned (no mortgage) are 93, while those Owned (with mortgage) are 112. There are around 116 Shared ownership properties, 16 Local Authority rented, 50 Housing Association rented and around 164 are Private rented.
According to our area research, you can expect to find around 142 Senior management/Professionals in the area and about 132 Junior managment/Professionals. Moreover, 93 people are Small business/Self-employed, while 71 are employed in Routine occupation and 81 are engaged in Semi-routine occupations. The number of Unemployed people on the other hand is only 93.
In E4 7UT area, Couple with children amount to 92 while Couple without children amount to 106. The neighbourhood also has around 101 Single parent families.
Our area research further shows that the most popular activity for residents is cinema, with 117 votes. Around 91 people are DIY enthusiasts, 99 people are interested in eating out, 99 like exercise, 118 are into football and 93 are fond of gardening. 99 people also like music while 94 are into traveling.
The Independent is the most subscribed (160) newspaper in the area, followed by The Guardian (158), The Times (118), Daily Mail (97), Daily Telegraph (97), The Sun (86), Daily Express (83) and Daily Mirror (78).