E1 8LX

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Samson Estate Agents
269-271 High Street, Stratford, London, E15-2TF

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Popular Houses in E1 8LX

E1 8LX Neighbourhood

When it comes to housing in the E1 8LX area, the number of houses Owned (no mortgage) are 62, while those Owned (with mortgage) are 68. There are around 144 Shared ownership properties, 31 Local Authority rented, 84 Housing Association rented and around 255 are Private rented.

According to our area research, you can expect to find around 255 Senior management/Professionals in the area and about 158 Junior managment/Professionals. Moreover, 78 people are Small business/Self-employed, while 25 are employed in Routine occupation and 35 are engaged in Semi-routine occupations. The number of Unemployed people on the other hand is only 80.

In E1 8LX area, Couple with children amount to 61 while Couple without children amount to 129. The neighbourhood also has around 88 Single parent families.

Our area research further shows that the most popular activity for residents is cinema, with 130 votes. Around 45 people are DIY enthusiasts, 92 people are interested in eating out, 97 like exercise, 115 are into football and 50 are fond of gardening. 97 people also like music while 79 are into traveling.

The Guardian is the most subscribed (255) newspaper in the area, followed by The Independent (255), The Times (255), Daily Telegraph (127), Daily Mail (70), Daily Express (44), The Sun (44) and Daily Mirror (41).

Nearest tradesmen and local services

Some of the nearest services available in E1 8LX are P L P Architecture (Architect), Nicholas Lacey & Partners (Architect), N B B J Architects (Architect), Avr London Ltd (Architectural Service), Maybank & Matthews Architects Ltd (Architect), Bathstore (Bathroom Designer), London Man & Van (Removals & Storage Services), Prestige Property Maintenance Ltd (Property Maintenance Services), Wicek Sosna Architect Ltd (Architect), Wicek Sosna Architect Ltd (Architect), Se1 Locksmiths (Locksmiths), Sevil Peach (Architect), Dransfield Owen de Silva (Architect), Top Domestic Appliances (Appliance Repairs), K & S Domestic Appliances (Electrician), Audiotech Systems Ltd (Electrician), Audiotech Systems Ltd (Electrician), Reddy Architecture UK Ltd (Architect), East London Carpets E1 Ltd (Carpet Fitter), East London Carpets E1 Ltd (Carpet Fitter), A P M Projects Ltd (Building Surveyor), United Design Partnership Ltd (Interior Designers), Phoenix M E (Electronic Shop), S J Traders (Carpet Fitter), Willmott Dixon Holding Ltd (Interior Designers), Mile End Locksmiths (Locksmiths), Mile End Locksmiths (Locksmiths), K & S Domestic Appliances (Appliance Repairs), K & S Domestic Appliances (Appliance Repairs), R H W L (Architect), Plumb N Sparx (Plumbers), Plumb N Sparx (Plumbers), Originate Architecture Ltd (Architect), Originate Architecture Ltd (Architect), Star Furnishing (Furniture Stores), Star Furnishing (Furniture Stores), Gensler (Architect), Satellite Architects Ltd (Architect), Cheap Removals (Removals & Storage Services), Redcare (Security systems), Axis Mason Ltd (Architect), Waterhouse 1854 Ltd (Architectural Service), Locksmith South London 24 Hours (Locksmiths), Dundee Removals (Removals & Storage Services), Alpha Browett Taylor (Building Surveyor), Ray Goodchild Architects (Architect), 7 Day Locksmiths 24 (Locksmiths), 7 Day Locksmiths 24 (Locksmiths), 7 Day Locksmiths 24 (Locksmiths), Macku Fabrics (Curtain Supplier), Macku Fabrics (Curtain Supplier), M P A Architects (Architect), 8Build Ltd (Builder), East Central Lock & Safe Co (Locksmiths), M K V Design (Interior Designers), Mace Ltd (Builder), Parkerclark Architectural & Design Ltd (Architectural Service), Platinum Facilities & Maintenance Services (Property Maintenance Services), A V R London Ltd (Architectural Service), Ligne Roset City (Furniture Stores), M & G Building Supplies (DIY Shop), Tip Top Appliances (Appliance Retailer), Tip Top Appliances (Appliance Retailer), Stock Woolstencroft (Architect), Bblur Architecture (Architectural Service), William Martin Property Consultants Ltd (Building Surveyor), A R Weight (Carpet Cleaner), Lesterose Builders (Bricklayer), Ideal Bathrooms & Tiles (Bathroom Designer), John Evans Interior Architecture & Design Ltd (Interior Designers), Amos Architecture Ltd (Architect), Cheap Removals (Removals & Storage Services), Axis Mason Ltd (Architect), A Nice Man With a Van (Removals & Storage Services) and Fisher Locksmith (Locksmiths).

Transportation and schools in E1 8LX

E1 8LX has access to various means of transportation including tube, bus and ferry ports. Nearest tube stations include Tower Hill. There is also easy access to airports like London City Airport, London Heathrow Airport, London Gatwick Airport then there are ferry ports that can be used to get by e.g. Tower Millennium Pier, St Katharine's Pier, London Bridge City Pier.

Close access to schools is most important factor in decision making for parents when buying any property. E1 8LX has many primary, secondary and private schools to choose from including primary schools like St Paul's Whitechapel Church of England Primary School, Shapla Primary School, Buttercup Primary School. Some of the secondary schools include Opal College London, City Gateway 14-19 Provision, Wapping High School. Then there are others like City of London School for Girls, Richard Cloudesley PH School, Globe Academy.

Disclaimer : Location real estate estimates and values are based on House price index background data and Sales data provided by United Kingdom Land registry Records available as public records from their website. This information is updated monthly on our website and may not reflect all public transactions. This information is based on estimated calculation generated from our developed algorithms. We are striving to make this information as accurate and useful as possible. This data covers the transactions received at Land Registry in the period 1/1/1995 to 9/1/2014. © Crown copyright 2014. Data produced by Land Registry © Crown copyright 2014.

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