Browse Current Property Prices in Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29

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*Local property prices on this page are only estimated values which will be updated continually. You can also find out home values for Rear Cottages, Withybed Green, Alvechurch, Birmingham, B48, Withybed Green, Withybed Green, Alvechurch, Birmingham, B48 and Lock Keepers Reach, Withybed Lane, Withybed Green, Alvechurch, Birmingham, B48.
1 - 25 of 88 - Results per page:  
4 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX
4 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

4a Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX
4a Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

6 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX
6 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

Flat 7a, 7 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE
Flat 7a, 7 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE

Estimated Price:


Flat | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

9 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE
9 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

11 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE
11 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

12 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX
12 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

12a Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX
12a Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

Flat 15a, 15 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE
Flat 15a, 15 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE

Estimated Price:


Flat | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

17 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE
17 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

19 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE
19 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

21 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE
21 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

Flat, 23 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE
Flat, 23 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE

Estimated Price:


Flat | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

25 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE
25 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

26 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX
26 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

27 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE
27 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

30 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX
30 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

32 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX
32 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

34 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX
34 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

35 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE
35 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

37 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE
37 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6JE

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

56 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX
56 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX

Estimated Price:


| 4 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

42 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX
42 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

60 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX
60 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

62 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX
62 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6HX

Estimated Price:


| 4 Bedroom(s) | 2 Bathroom(s)

 Couldn't find the right property yet?
Estimated Price: £203,292
4 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29...
Estimated Price: £202,543
4a Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B2...
Estimated Price: £207,604
6 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29...
Estimated Price: £205,904
Flat 7a, 7 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmi...
Estimated Price: £207,806
9 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29...
Estimated Price: £204,831
11 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B2...
Estimated Price: £202,705
12 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B2...
Estimated Price: £204,588
12a Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B...
Estimated Price: £205,641
Flat 15a, 15 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Bir...
Estimated Price: £207,098
17 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B2...
Estimated Price: £208,434
19 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B2...
Estimated Price: £206,774
21 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B2...
Estimated Price: £209,547
Flat, 23 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birming...
Estimated Price: £204,021
25 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B2...
Estimated Price: £209,466
26 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B2...
Estimated Price: £204,730
27 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B2...
Estimated Price: £210,276
30 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B2...
Estimated Price: £209,142
32 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B2...
Estimated Price: £210,053
34 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B2...
Estimated Price: £208,454
35 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B2...
Estimated Price: £208,657
37 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B2...
Estimated Price: £206,268
56 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B2...
Estimated Price: £207,098
42 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B2...
Estimated Price: £210,215
60 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B2...
Estimated Price: £207,057
62 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham B2...
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