Browse Current Property Prices in Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE12

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*Local property prices on this page are only estimated values which will be updated continually. You can also find out home values for Callerton Lane, Woolsington, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE13, Dukes Meadow, Woolsington, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE13 and Earls Close, Woolsington, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE13.
1 - 25 of 52 - Results per page:  
17, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
17, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

27, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
27, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

42, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
42, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

43, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
43, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

29, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
29, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

45, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
45, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

46, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
46, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Flat | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

47, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
47, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

48, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
48, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

49, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
49, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

50, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
50, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

51, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
51, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

52, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
52, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

53, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
53, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

34, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
34, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

18, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
18, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | 1 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

16, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
16, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

35, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
35, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

38, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
38, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

39, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
39, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

15, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
15, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

24, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
24, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

37, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
37, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

5, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
5, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

30, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL
30, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 6DL

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

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Estimated Price: £138,161
17, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £143,850
27, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £149,116
42, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £120,290
43, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £142,275
29, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £136,165
45, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £135,806
46, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £152,783
47, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £117,896
48, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £141,750
49, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £135,141
50, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £152,250
51, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £135,487
52, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £150,871
53, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £105,394
34, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £110,250
18, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £138,600
16, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £117,570
35, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £137,040
38, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £133,421
39, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £138,501
15, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £138,488
24, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £138,524
37, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
Estimated Price: £141,750
5, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Killi...
Estimated Price: £137,116
30, Regency Apartments, Citadel East, Kill...
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