Century21 - Harrow
Ground floor 8, Peterborough Rd, HA1 2BQ

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Browse Current Property Prices in Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner, HA5

If you live on this street and are wondering how much your home is worth, try our market value estimation service below. Simply click on the address and find out what the house is worth and how much it can be rented for.
*Local property prices on this page are only estimated values which will be updated continually. You can also find out home values for Altham Road, Hatch End, Pinner, HA5, Braeside Close, Hatch End, Pinner, HA5 and Broadmead Close, Hatch End, Pinner, HA5.
1 - 25 of 41 - Results per page:  
50 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BL
50 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BL

Estimated Price:


Property | 4 Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

75 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BY
75 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BY

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

77 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BY
77 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BY

Estimated Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

78 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
78 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Property | 3 Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

80 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
80 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Property | 3 Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

84 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
84 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX

Estimated Price:


Property | 3 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

82 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
82 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 2 Bathroom(s)

86 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
86 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX

Estimated Price:


Property | 3 Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

90 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
90 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX

Estimated Price:


Property | 3 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

88 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
88 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

94 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
94 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Property | 5 Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

96 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
96 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX

Estimated Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

92 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
92 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Property | -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

98 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
98 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX

Estimated Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

100 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
100 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX

Estimated Price:


Flat | 2 Bedroom(s) | 1 Bathroom(s)

102 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
102 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Flat | 3 Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

104 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
104 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Property | 3 Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

108 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
108 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Property | 4 Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

106 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
106 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX

Estimated Price:


Property | 5 Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

Ashover, Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2EZ
Ashover, Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2EZ

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


Property | 5 Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

Braeside, Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2EZ
Braeside, Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2EZ

Estimated Price:


| 4 Bedroom(s) | 2 Bathroom(s)

Brendon, Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2EZ
Brendon, Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2EZ

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| 4 Bedroom(s) | 2 Bathroom(s)

Dungail, Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2EZ
Dungail, Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2EZ

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| -- Bedroom(s) | -- Bathroom(s)

Eastfield, Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2EZ
Eastfield, Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2EZ

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| 4 Bedroom(s) | 2 Bathroom(s)

Elmhurst, Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2EZ
Elmhurst, Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2EZ

Estimated Price:


Sold Price:


| 3 Bedroom(s) | 3 Bathroom(s)

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Estimated Price: £824,175
50 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BL
Estimated Price: £816,553
75 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BY
Estimated Price: £804,246
77 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BY
Estimated Price: £590,939
78 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
Estimated Price: £622,899
80 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
Estimated Price: £803,293
84 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
Estimated Price: £554,478
82 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
Estimated Price: £813,456
86 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
Estimated Price: £800,752
90 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
Estimated Price: £589,072
88 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
Estimated Price: £668,300
94 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
Estimated Price: £796,941
96 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
Estimated Price: £568,061
92 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
Estimated Price: £811,471
98 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
Estimated Price: £813,138
100 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
Estimated Price: £579,357
102 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
Estimated Price: £599,739
104 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
Estimated Price: £981,388
108 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
Estimated Price: £825,525
106 Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA5 2BX
Estimated Price: £1,312,625
Ashover, Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA...
Estimated Price: £816,394
Braeside, Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner H...
Estimated Price: £1,615,797
Brendon, Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA...
Estimated Price: £845,880
Dungail, Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner HA...
Estimated Price: £833,284
Eastfield, Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner...
Estimated Price: £745,839
Elmhurst, Catlins Lane, Eastcote, Pinner H...
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