Property description
Good sized first floor flat located in the village centre. Lounge; kitchen; bath/w.c; bedroom. Unfurnished - Available end July
UPVC entrance door and side window. Radiator. Panelled doors leading off. Storage/cloaks cupboard.
LOUNGE - 15' 8'' x 11' 2'' (4.78m x 3.4m)
UPVC double glazed front window. Radiator
KITCHEN - 12' 7'' x 4' 11'' (3.84m x 1.5m)
White units. Gas hob. Built in oven. Stainless steel sink unit. Radiator. Plumbing for washing machine. White wall tiling.
BEDROOM - 12' 1'' x 8' 10'' (3.68m x 2.69m)
UPVC double glazed rear window. Radiator.
White suite including bath with shower and glazed screen to the side. Pedestal wash basin and low level wc. Wall tiling and shelf.
Car parking.